Dinner This Wednesday! Genotyping Trees to Ensure a Successful Future

We will return to having our monthly Izaak Walton chapter dinners this Wednesday

We welcome Ms. Jeanne Romero-Severson, biological science professor from the University of Notre Dame to the IKES on Wednesday, Sept. 16th.

Ms. Romero-Severson will discuss (in terms we can understand) the quantitative and population
genetics of trees. Her program builds itself on accumulated knowledge to study the genetics of natural populations, from the native forest trees of Eastern North America to beneficial seed dynamics. Her research focuses on genetic structure, genetic variation and population
dynamics. We now have the genetic data that can be used for both natural forest trees and cultivated nut trees alike.

Dinner starts at 6:30 P.M. Program starts at 7:30 P.M.

Menu: City Chicken with the trimmings

Cost: $9 for adults and FREE Hot Dogs 12 and under!

Call in your reservations by Tues Sept. 15th by 10 A.M.
at 272-3660