Earth Day and Tree Giveaway

Earth Day

We spent quite a bit of time clearing the Asian Honeysuckle this spring and we have acquired quite a few small saplings to plant in the understory of woods and along the creek to restore the riparian zone that protects Juday Creek from siltation. I want to thank all those that came out and helped and the curious passerby that had questions about our project.

With monies that were donated we managed to purchase 19 species of trees and shrubs that are suitable for planting along the creek and as understory trees in the woods. An example is Red Osier Dogwoods along the creek and Allegheny serviceberry in the woods, but other species were acquired as equally important to wildlife for cover and a food source.

We will continue planting starting this Thursday April 20th which is Earth day and continue through May 1st the day before the tree giveaway. Anyone who would like to help please contact Tim Kanczuzewski at 574-340-0842 as the help is much appreciated. We will plan on working for an hour or so every day after 5pm during the week and then a big push to plant on May 1st. This coming Saturday and next Saturday we will start at 10am at the main bridge.

As we celebrate Earth Day week, and Earth Day on the 22nd, we want to challenge you to go out to the park to pick up some litter. Pick any area, especially the more traveled areas near the roads or parking lots, walking trails, and along the creek or river. Just bring a bag and some gloves, and get to work picking up waste! Second, put the waste in one of the receptacles on the property, or you can even take the waste home and recycle it or put in your own trash bin! 

Tree Giveaway

We decided to spend more money this Spring on our annual tree giveaway and fish stocking. We decided to go over budget despite extensive losses from Covid last year. We were blessed to have many of our members pitch in and donate both their time and money to help offset the additional expenses. The efforts were spearheaded by Fish and Outdoor Recreation Committee director, Tim Kanczuzewski. First off, volunteers cleared Asian Honeysuckle out of critical areas for over three weeks. After the clearing, volunteers helped plant hundreds of native species trees in the opened areas. There are many more trees to plant, including two large hemlock trees that are memorials to deceased officers Stan Klaybor and Larry Woltman.

On Sunday, May 2nd, from 2-4 P.M. we will be giving away seedlings to our members and the public near the bridge. Species include Redbud, Dogwood, and White Pine. On Saturday, May 24th, from 9-Noon, we will be participating in an Arbor Day, Earth Day event at Pinhook Park. We had over 200 hours of volunteer clearing and planting. Volunteers included Mike Connaughton, Sanders Elliot, Dennis Chapla, Jeff Fleenor, Judy Hawkins, Mike Hay, Kenson Kanczuzewski, Tim Kanczuzewski, John Loughran, Abbey Pruitt, Gail Reschley, Rodney Reschley, Marcus Rifley, Izaak Soprleder, Todd Sporleder, JC Sporleder, Josh Sporleder, Jason Thibaut, Rob Wishin, and Ursala Wishin.

Generous donations made to purchase trees and Trout include Joel Bowers, Mike Connoughton, Jeff Fleenor, Bob Fitzpatrick, John Grich, Mike Hay, Jaimee Higginson, Maurice Johnson, Joe Kapp, Sanders Elliott, Ken Kanczuzewski, Kenson Kanczuzewski, Tyler Kanc zuzewski, Tim Kanczuzewski, Jeff Klaybor, John Loughran, John Manuszak, Bill Mitchell, Todd Sporleder, JC Sporleder, Tom Sult, Les Szilagyi, Jason Thibault, Rob & Ulsala Wishin. Many Thanks to all our members.