Open House and Upcoming Events

We are pleased to announce our annual Open House on Sunday, July 25th from 1-3 P.M. Thanks to membership secretary Sondra Casper who initiated online memberships, and folks wanting to get outdoors during the pandemic, we gained over 100 members. We want to invite new and existing members to come out for refreshments and meet our officers. We will be giving tours of the grounds and answering any questions you have. This is a great opportunity to familiarize yourself with your local chapter of the Izaak Walton League. Over 120 acres to explore!

We have two upcoming events for you to plan for. We are excited to start our dinner programs again! Our first program will be Wednesday, September 15th. It features member Dick Wilson, invasive animal species expert. Dick will present images from his extensive research. We are having our Fall Festival again! Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 20th. Once again, we will have silent auction items to bid on.

We rely on donations for the auction items, so start thinking now about what you can donate. This a fundraiser and funraiser!